To install Visual C++ Express browse to: max integer is 2147483647 = 2^31 -1 literal - text in "" and numbers "hello world" 7 reserved word(s) - vocabulary that is part of the programming language variable nameing rules can not be reserved words must start with letters or an underscore can not have "special characters", letters numbers and underscores C++ syntax is case sensitive if with {} verses without if else statements while loops ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Is Leap Year Code #include using namespace std; void main () { int Year; cout << "Year? "; cin >> Year; if( ( Year % 4 == 0 && Year % 100 != 0 ) || Year % 400 == 0 ) { cout << Year; cout << " is a leap year."; } else { cout << Year; cout << " is not a leap year."; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // X ^ Y Power #include using namespace std; void main () { int x; int y; int answer = 1; cout << "X? "; cin >> x; cout << "Y?"; cin >> y; cout << x << "^" << y << " = "; while(y > 0) { answer = answer * x; y = y - 1; } cout << answer; }